Slovenia rarely finds itself in the spotlight despite having one of the most dynamic cable markets in Central and Eastern Europe. The ZKOS annual conference goes some way towards addressing this and is a must-attend event for anyone interested in the Slovenian cable industry. It offers the ideal opportunity to meet with all of its key players and learn about the latest market trends, as well as prospects for the future.
Chris Dziadul, Editorial Director and Chief East European Analyst | Broadband TV News
Svake godine se radujemo dolasku u Portorož.Portorož je vrlo atraktivan pogotovo za nas koji dolazimo iz ravnice. Divno je bilo i ove godine videti sve vas,i vasa nasmejana lica Lepo je videti sve one ljude sa kojima radite cele godine i upoznati neke nove. Ove godine je veliko iznenadjenje bio odlazak u Piran i obilazak Pirana. Radujemo se ponovnom dolasku.
Jelena Mitrović, Ivana Basta, NBCUniversal
The ZKOS conference is a very special event even for content provider: A professionally organized mixture of business and social event. It is about meeting, discussing and updating with all relevant cable- and IP-platforms in a unique setting in Portoroz having a joint boat trip along the Slovenian coast as highlight. There is no other known conference offering such intimate and pleasant atmosphere between the various market participants.
Prof. Dr. Stefan Sporn, Senior Vice President, International Distribution | RTL International GmbH
Člani ZKOS-a vedno z veseljem prisluhnejo, kaj je novega na področju merilne ter ostale opreme za kabelske operaterje. Ker pa se kabelsko omrezje vedno bolj prepleta z optičnim omrežjem, smo letos lahko predstavili tudi novosti s področja optike. Kot vedno smo bili tudi tokrat zelo zadovoljni z obiskom in z veseljem se bomo konference kabelskih operaterjev udeležili tudi naslednje leto. Konferenca ZKOS za nas pomeni promocijo novosti na področju aktivne in pasivne opreme za telekomunikacije ter seveda tudi druženje s partnerji ZKOS-a.
Romana Juvančič, XENYA d.o.o.
That was my first time at ZKOS Conference. From the application to the end of the conference everything was smooth, and the organizers were helpful in every cases. The meetings and the lectures were outsanding in a unique place. I recommend the conference for everybody who wants to be up to date in Cable TV networks in Slovenia (technologies, business connections, regulations), and have a very enjoyable time at a beutiful place!
Tamás Tóth, Sales Manager | COMTECH ltd.
“It’s fascinating to see how many CEOs and CTOs the ZKOS Conference in Portorož brings together. Talking about the challenges CATV operators are facing and the discussion on mobile telephony and OTT offerings as must-have services were the highlights for me. Bringing all the people from the branch together to exchange ideas, search for synergies and optimizations adds a lot of value to the very well organized conference."
mag. Matej Meža | Mega M d.o.o.
“ZKOS 2017 gave me fresh feeling of reassurance that I can meet the right partners and enjoy an exciting program. The conference offers new challenges, new insights and opportunities."
Vasilena Kunova, International TV Distribution Manager | Balkanika Mucis Television.
It was a great pleasure to be part of ZKOS conference 2017. Fantastic organization, friendly people and a great number of operators’ representatives is what makes this conference a remarkable place for networking and business deals. We believe that you will continue with a good work. See you next year."
Ksenija Đorđević, Marketing Manager | AMC Networks International